Evolution of Robotic Process Automation: here are the benefits on cost reduction

Linda Grasso
2 min readDec 17, 2021


There is no doubt that Robotic Process Automation is a valuable aid for companies, and it is constantly evolving like every Digital Transformation technology. That’s why the benefits it offers in process optimization increase as it improves and begins to interact with other technological innovations.

The benefits of RPA

Process automation, through software programmed to replicate routine and straightforward activities, allows companies to:

  1. improve the quality and quantity of work performed: the first benefit of RPA, in fact, is the reduction of time wasted in repetitive activities that, in some cases, do not bring added value. With automation, the resource previously engaged, for example, in the sorting of emails, will be able to devote itself to more complex and profitable activities;
  2. interact with customers 24/7: the evolution of chatbots is making online interactions between customers and companies increasingly similar to chats between humans. The huge advantage is that the robot is active 24/7. Moreover, in software equipped with RPA and Artificial Intelligence, the virtual assistant modulates responses based on customer requests. This greatly improves customer satisfaction;
  3. achieve new economies of scale: this is because automation makes it possible to respond quickly and agilely to business growth events without having to hire new IT resources;
  4. improve collaboration between internal and external resources: with automation, the interaction between departments is much more fluid and immediate;
  5. speed up the digitization of processes: in transforming processes from analog to digital, it is essential to automate simple activities to accelerate change and make it more efficient.

But how does automation affect cost reduction and revenue growth? The answer is in the full article on the DeltalogiX blog.

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Thanks for reading!



Linda Grasso
Linda Grasso

Written by Linda Grasso

Founder & CEO @DeltalogiX | Engineer 💡 | Digital Creator & Tech Influencer

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